Monday, June 23, 2008


So today, we vacummed dirt up from the ground. Seriously, that's the weirdest thing ever. One of the groups found a hearth about 120 cm down, and it needed to be cleaned up a bit for the pictures and such. It is nice to be actually finding things, makes me feel more like an archaeologist, instead of just a bucket monkey.

Tomorrow, apparently we're going to have our local guy come out with a backhoe and attempt to dig 1X1 meters 10cm deep each with it, which we'll then screen. It should speed it up considerably, since the ground is quite hard in places, and we're less than 1/20th done. It's a 10X10 meter site, and we're going to be digging down to two and a half meters. So far we have 2X10 dug down to one meter.

There's one girl in particular that's been getting on my nerves, but I've been just doing my best to ignore her, which everyone else seems to be doing as well. Everyone else is cool, and we're getting along really well. Freakiest thing though, one girl, Katherine, reminds me so much of my mom, who's name is also Katherine. Turns out she's from the same town my mom grew up in, Melbourne, Florida, and they even went to the same high school. Crazy world.

Two more days of digging, then I get four days off. A group of us are planning on driving to South Padre Island to get a massage and hang out on the beach. Because I really need more sun right now. (You should see my watch tan line) It should be fun though, and nice and relaxing.

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