Thursday, June 19, 2008

So it's been an interesting experience so far. I can't really say I'm enjoying it, since so far, everyday around 1:30 PM I consider just laying down and sobbing until they take the shovel from me and return me to the a/c, but I haven't. Yet. I think I am acclimating to the heat a bit, and the group is working together quite well, as we learn each other's limits, who's better at certain tasks and such.

The first site we've been working on is near the town of Los Ebanos, basically in someone's backyard, although no one lives in the house. The whole town, while very small, seems to be just dying. The few small stores they used to have are all shuttered, and a lot of houses seem abandoned. We eat our lunches everyday at the nearby border crossing, which has the country's only remaining hand-drawn ferry. We seem to be quite a spectacle, as many of the cars waiting to cross openly gape at the strange, very dirty, tired group of mostly white people who are sitting outside the border patrol agency building, eating lunch. Talk about subverting cliches.
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We wound up digging the site down to two meters, and found basically nothing. A few flakes at the surface, a whole lot of nothing but snail shells for the next meter and a half, and then three or four flake and core fragments, but nothing that was substantial enough to warrant us continuing the hole. Plus, once it was that deep, it was getting harder and harder to get into and out of, even with a step-ladder. I did take some pictures, although I managed to forget my camera cord, so I can't get them on to my computer. I'm hoping I can make it to Target or Wal-Mart (since they're across the street from each other) in the next few days to buy a card reader, so that I can upload some pics.

We'll be heading to a new site tomorrow, which is further away. I'm hoping to snap a before picture or two, just to see how much dirt we move. The site we've been on is 4X4 meters, while the next will be 10X10. So it's going to be huge.

Night all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude, I've been sleeping crazy ass hours and never know if it would be a good time to call or not which is why I haven't;)

Heat sucks. It's 110 right now:( And might get hotter before the day is up.

Anyway give me a call if you like wanna or whatever;)